Wednesday, April 28, 2010

4th Generation i-phone

Made with love out of felt fabric.. Love: of all-mac-apple-awesomness and love of another dear brother.. it has a pocket from the back, where he can slip his phone in it.. soon I'll be making one for the i-pad.. I will be beating Louis Vuitton's i-pad cases!! khkh


fatimah alkazemi said...

I love it ,,,I hope to see more of this creativeness :)

Noon said...

Thank you dearest..

Her said...

mashalla ur so talented:)and thats very cute:)

Another Dear Brother said...

I loved it so much!
Now fill it!

And sure I'll love your iPad case too ;p

Noon said...

You are another another another dear brother to be precise! ;-pppppppp

I will fill it with chocolates, chewing gum and lotsa lotsa love ;-ppp

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