Monday, January 24, 2011

Crossed Away!

Apparently I was trying out different patterns..

Read A Book

I'm lost without a book.. living in a vacuum at this moment without the company of a good
book.. any suggestions?

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Crossed My Thoughts

Done these when I was pregnant 3 years ago..
some are inspired by Palestinian designs..

Friday, January 14, 2011


These are hung in my lil studio.. I drew these something like five years ago.. I was inspired
by Japanese Pucca cute (kayota) drawings..

Happy Birthday Coolest Hassan

I think I like this new way of wrapping..

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Happy Big Fat Year

Ok! This blogspot was never meant to document my food cravings or creations, but this was
an exception.. all the veggies were our own produce.. a lovely feeling to plant and eat your
salad so fresh.. the hamburger was homemade and home grilled too.. teslaam a7laa eed ;-p
and that was my first lunch in 2011.. Happy new HEALTHY year to all..

Happy Birthday Love

what do u think of the wrapping? :-)

Stack them Up

useful and pretty tapes..
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